
digitalvisuals Fine Art

Thank you for your support to digital visuals.

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Steven Hurwitz has created Digital Visuals, a gallery of fine art digital prints, imprinted merchandise, and custom design. Now at 78 years of age, I am publishing them and welcome any financial assistance you may afford. If you can’t give, but still want to support me, please share my website and Portfolio with your friends and family members. With more people aware of my work, I’ll be one step closer to reaching my goal of balancing the budget and continuing this in this way of imagining, encountering and presenting a world without conclusion, with experimentation, exploration and of wonder.

I believe that expectations for the arts has shifted in our current digital age. The increased appetite for immersive and interactive experiences that incorporate technology is exploding. Locally, for interested youth, digital visuals offers education and resources to create artistic experience through both legacy visual arts, and in the artistic digital culture; becoming an important cultural building block of our children’s future.

Ultimately, we are creating a playbook for creating both legacy arts as well as static and immersive digital art. Thank you so very much for your support.


digitalvisuals 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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