

Artist, writer of fiction and non, photographer, sometime English teacher

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Trying to spend more of my time and energy on things that are fulfilling to me and which I like to share with as wide an audience as possible. I am an artist and express that through drawing and painting, writing fiction, digital photography and videography, gardening, etc. (plans for some 3 dimensional work).

I'm working on projects that interconnect various of these disciplines: eg series of written stories set in connected 'worlds' illustrated with paintings, digital artwork/photography, sculpture etc. My life has been very diverse in terms of my own experiences and the people I've known, loved, worked and socialised with, and it is natural for me to incorporate a variety of perspectives in my art.

I'm interested in themes of nature and ways that contemporary society might learn from more ancient ways of being part of nature- pagan, animist, nature worship etc- these ideas inform paintings and fiction as well as non-fiction writing, for example on traditional Latvian calendars, with observances that mark the movement of the sun and all the accompanying seasonal changes.

I post photos, musings, poetry, artwork on several social media platforms, and longer pieces on my blog (currently on blogger, open to ideas for -free, at this point!- blogging platforms for text and images that are not google owned!)

Although I've been shooting some video for years, I haven't done much with it, but just starting to do more. There will be several directions: simple nature themes- landscape, weather, plants, birds, animals; plus gardening -indoor things like cacti and succulents, outdoors native plants, alpines, rock gardens etc, in a natural, marginal gardening model and some food plants in a permaculture approach. I also plan some videos on English as a foreign/other language. I currently live in the country, rural Alberta, and commute into town (20miles) several days a week for a minimum wage service job-location and facilities here don't allow me to work in fields I've worked in the past in cities (hair, massage etc)-but a move is likely in the future. Meantime hoping to take advantage of the opportunities to share knowledge, ideas, inspiration, with less driving!

Any support will allow me to devote more time to all of the above creative activities, and re:videography, hopefully acquire a couple of modest bits of tech to improve quality! (eg sensor cleaning kit! gimbal, maybe better editing software).

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