
Blue Grey

artist. poet & lyricist. various projects

bluejorts 님의 목표는 매주 US$500.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Blue Grey is a Queer-Anarchist AuDHD poet, amateur gardener, and multimedia artist currently trapped in so-called "Texas". Free them. And be rewarded most handsomely.

Current Projects:

  • Deep Prose
  • My Neocity
  • FediZineFest zines 1-3 multi-version digital release on My Neocity
  • self-published poetry collections | "This Heat Will Kill Us All", "Whimper Chorus", "High-Spring (Haiku, Senryū, Tanka)"
  • "Anxious Youth" EP + bonus single: "Lost in Space", A Love Theme for Dune: Part 2

Future Projects:

  • Owncast Self-Hosted Streaming
  • html-only poetry showcase
  • Take Care: A Bitsy Horror Game

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