

Photography and creations by Bill Dobbins

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Bill Dobbins is a world-class photographer, videographer, and writer based in Los Angeles. He is best known for his magazine photos of male and female bodybuilders and fitness models. Still, in his long career, he has photographed everything from glamour and fashion to sports and documenting the plight of the homeless. Bill is also a fine art photographer, has exhibited in galleries and museums and his work has been published in two fine art photo books from Taschen and Artisan.

As a writer, Bill has published eight books for print and 16 eBooks. Books include three bodybuilding training books with Arnold Schwarzenegger, including two versions of his Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding.

In addition to his magazine and advertising work, Bill Dobbins also takes on private commissions for various kinds of photo sessions, including erotic, and sells fine art prints of his unique and ground-breaking photography.

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