
Alois Schlögl - Maintainer of Biosig

Biosig - A free software library for biomedical signal processing.

aschloegl 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Support for the proprietary EEG data formats AES, EZ3, and ARC (from Cadwell) should be implemented in Biosig (http://biosig.sourceforge.net ).

Planned approach

The specification of these data formats is not available, and Cadwell is not providing the specification (I asked already). Reverse engineering is a substantial effort, which ccould be done only when there is substantial interest and support in such a solution. You can follow the development through this ticket https://sourceforge.net/p/biosig/feature-requests/13/ .


Biosig (http://biosig.sourceforge.net ) supports over 50 data formats, and has language binding to several programming languages including Matlab, Python and Octave. Biosig is founded by Alois Schlögl, who is also maintaining Biosig in his free time.

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aschloegl 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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