

BlogAP - gf24 - theologie.wiki

arp7 님의 목표는 매주 €60.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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In my spare time, I manage forums, blogs and wikis on the topics of theology, faith, religion, deaconry, sociology and educational science. For example:

  • forum.glaubensforum24.de (since 2010)
  • blog.andreasponto.com (since 2014)
  • theologie.wiki (will be set up at the moment)

The pure costs for Internet servers and domains amount to approx. 1,000 EUR per year.

I also study Protestant Theology and Educational Science on a part-time basis and am a volunteer lecturer of the Protestant Church.

If you like the pages, they give you something or you just want to support my studies, I look forward to your help for further success.



arp7 님은 5년 전에 가입했습니다.

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