

Half time student and half time dev.

aoi 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Hi ! I'm Geshi.

Half time student and half time dev. I like code, anime, and music ! Thank you for visiting my donations page !


I'm from Paris, France! You may know me from a lot of different projects. I mostly spend time on code, technology or VRchat. I'm currently working on a lot of projects of all sizes ! But I'm most importantly working @vignetteapp for now. I also used to host a file storage service, for 2 years, gaining more than 2k users! It might go up again in the future, if we get enough sponsors to cover the funds. I'm the server maid @ https://miruku.cafe & https://based.social. I love the fediverse, and federated systems in general. Decentralization is the way!

Why would you support me ?

Well, that's a really good question. TL;DR, it helps me covering my servers cost, and other dev stuff. Giving me some money helps me to buy more food, gear, and stuffs to support myself and my projects. I kinda want to live from Open-Source Software someday, so supporting me is helping me to achieve my goal! It helps me a lot, but if you can't support me, don't worry, just the fact that you are reading this means a lot to me ! I'll try to give rewards to everyone who wants to support me. As a "reward" for the people who are willing to help me out, I plan to create some small community where I can test stuff, share things, and also give benefits on the projects I run (such as supporter badges, and stuffs.)

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Welcome to miruku.cafe's Liberapay!



aoi 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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