

International Age of Empires 2 fansite

aoe2.nl 님의 목표는 매주 €1.38 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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aoe2.nl is an international Age of Empires 2 fansite. We are looking for donations to keep the site online. The first goal is to cover the fixed costs.

Want to say hi? Send an message on our socials https://pixelfed.social/aoe2 or https://mastodon.nl/@aoe2.

Goal 0: €1,38/week - Hosting and domain

This is the minimal goal we need to hit keep the fansite online. It includes the server €5/month and domain €12/year.

Goal 1: €5,07/week - Video and stream hosting

Let's upgrade our video service with our own PeerTube instance €16/month.

Goal 2: €7,37/week - Chat hosting

Text, video and audio chat all on our own Matrix server. This will require a server upgrade €10/month.

Goal 3: €67,37/week - Two paid hours each week

It would be great if we can feed our family and pay some taxes. This goal gives two hours of paid work each week to the aoe2.nl team. €30/hour.

Goal 4: €247,37/week - Dedicated day each week

One work day of work each week dedicated to the fansite. Eight hours for €30/hour.

Goal 5: €707,37/week - Full time each week

One can dream. This goal would gives us enough room to have one person working on the site full time. Full time worker €700/week.


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aoe2.nl 님은 7년 전에 가입했습니다.

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