
Andrea Vaccari

The author of Fonic and Uniphone

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I am the author of the Fonic alphabet and of the Uniphone project.

  1. Fonic is a phonoanalogic and phonosymbolic writing system, simple and intuitive, modular and expandable, designed to allow the precise phonetic transcription of historical-natural languages ​​and facilitate the adequate oral reproduction of foreign languages, thus reducing the pronunciation errors of unknown words. Fonic can be used both in the academic sphere, for the precise phonetic transcription of the phones of all languages of the world, and as an alternative writing system to the current national alphabets, as it implements several types of rules, called implosions, to facilitate the writing of individual languages.

  2. Uniphone is a universal phones encoding system, which identifies each individual phone by a unique code, called IPN (International Phone Number), based on its phonoarticulatory parameters. IPN is a generic term to indicate the Uniphone code of any vocoidal or contoidal phone, while the vocoidal identification code is represented by the acronym IVN (International Vocoid Number) and that of contoids by the acronym ICN (International Contoid Number).

My website is https://andreavaccari.altervista.org

You can find me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/andreavaccarilibri

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