

Creating Quality Technical Content

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This is Amlesh, a software engineer from Bangalore. I'm currently pursuing further skill development, primarily in programming and software development after having spent 8 years working in various startups and a university. Quality learning is often no longer possible while working long hours in most tech organisations in my country, as well as due to lack of good projects available in the companies, further worsened by the economic slowdown (I left my job 2 months).

While pursuing the above, I would keep adding more quality technical content to my github based blog (which has been organised independently over the last 2 years while working full-time) - https://github.com/amleshkashyap/moreRailsEtc. This will remain free forever for everyone. Your donation can help me pursue the above goals while staying in my country as well as the community of developers who rely on quality content published by developers.

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