

Creamsicle is a whale.

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Creamsicle is a happy little orange whale who lives on land for some reason and speaks in excited mono-syllabic non sequiturs (his catch phrase is “Yaaaay!”). The only thing he loves more than krill, and every fucking person he interacts with, is his best friend, who for now we’ll only call by their handle, allthetimesivedied. They’re homeless—and Creamsicle loves them so God damn much that he chooses to be homeless too, and spend every day hanging out with them, when he has the option of living in a house.

He worries when they’re sad, which is all the time. They’re always so sad and distant and he’s not sure what to do. They’re lonely, and they don’t get enough to eat, and they don’t feel very good about themselves. Creamsicle doesn’t really need money—he has krill—so this is mostly for his friend.

He wants an orange Fanta, though.


allthetimesivedied 님은 2개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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