

regular high-school student

aboutdavid 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Hello! I'm a high school student/teenager who likes tennis, coding, and food living in the tlanta area

I work on some things like: - quizlet-fetcher, an HTML parser for Quizlet cards - hctb-api, a reverse engineered API server implementation of Here Comes the Bus - quizlet2anki, a web extension to download a Quizlet set as an Anki set.

A lot of my code is open source and is on GitHub.

You can contact me via [email](mailto:aboutdavid@protonmail.com) or via mastodon. Your sponsorship would be everything to me and it would help me fund extra things and my addiction to burritos.

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