

The official donation page for Zooey Dot Pub, the #1 zoosexual lifestyle and advocacy magazine!

ZooeyDotPub 님은 1 명으로부터 매주 US$0.69 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Hello there and welcome to Zooey Dot Pub! If you're here, it's likely because you're considering making a donation. Thanks! The magazine is run with a pretty tight crew. We have a few full time writers, a few full time editors, and some behind the scenes people who keep the website up and running. Our costs are fairly low, and we're more than happy to do it. That said, there's always more that we wish that we could do.

We've got lots of plans. Things like doing a deluxe print release of the magazines greatest hits. Partnering with more zoo artists in order to get more custom art done. Printing out articles and placing them all over furry conventions. We have so many things that we hope to be able to do some day, but a lot of those things are gated by budget. Running a website, and a magazine is hard. We're giving it our all to make sure that this is as good as it can be, but we don't really have any more individual ability to push things further. If you want to help, you can! You can offer your time, write articles, help design. If you're looking to put in work there's things you can do for sure. If you don't want to put in work, the next best thing you can do is toss us a couple bucks to make things easier on our end. Whether you're looking to fund our next big endeavor, or you just want to buy our editors their next coffee, thank you so much for donating. We very much appreciate you!

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