
Zachary Weaver

Channel for Matthias, Playwright, Film Actor & Model

Zachary.Weaver 님의 목표는 매주 US$777.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Hello Friends!

I am so grateful and excited to be here. I believe Liberapay is an amazing platform that will change the world. If you are here to support me, please consider also reading about Liberapay ( https://liberapay.com/about/ ), and supporting them financially here https://liberapay.com/Liberapay/ and here https://liberapay.com/LiberapayOrg/.

Here are a few things about me:

I am the channel for Matthias. Matthias describes themselves as a concentration of universal love. They have a beautiful perspective, and it's fun to co-create with them. If you want to have a conversation with them, you may call or email me to set up a time: 1-913-953-6082, <zacharyweaver0@gmail.com>

I am a playwright. If you want to read my plays, or obtain permission for production, you may call or email me: 1-913-953-6082, <zacharyweaver0@gmail.com>

I am an actor & model. If you would like to inquire about having me in your film or photoshoot, you may call or email me: 1-913-953-6082, <zacharyweaver0@gmail.com>


Zachary.Weaver 님은 4년 전에 가입했습니다.

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