

Content Creator, International Photojournalist and Anarchist Activist.

Xhatz 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Welcome to my support page on Liberapay! It is an alternative and self-managed platform which allows you to make me a donation, weekly, monthly or yearly, in order to support me financially. As I live in an alternative manner and mostly without money, each one of the donations I receive here are important, and I thank each one of you who, always within your capacity to donate, have the possibility of supporting me in order to allow me to continue to do what I do.

What do I do?

From entertainment to militancy, what I do (and would like to do) is pretty varied...

On YouTube, I make entertainment videos: nature survival, camping, urban and wild exploring; documentaries: various reports, immersion in protests, interviews, etc. Everything that I show with my videos is made in order to present and promote alternative lifestyles, in order to show everyone that it's possible to live differently, outside of the current system. I live mostly like this myself, and my videos are like a way to take you with me on my adventures!

In terms of militancy, I like to go directly into action (in eco-friendly places and protests) in order to contribute as much as I can: physically, with the limited skills that I possess, or by giving a chance for others to speak via my reports. I am also doing some information sharing and relaying on my political Twitter account!

On the internet, if your project is interesting and if I have time, I can volunteer my skills: creation and website maintenance (experimented), graphic design and layout designing (novice), etc. I am also open to partnerships, but only if your project is politically in the same direction as mine, and that it operates exclusively in prix libre (free).

I also am the founder of the Arkros network, an anti-system and non-profit community platform which is intended to promote free and open creation, as well as anti-capitalist and alternative lifestyles. We also encourage our community to become active politicial actors by supporting and joining various social struggles.

Everything I do will of course always be free, accessible to all and without advertising.

What are the donations used for?

The donations made on this platform will mainly be used for buy food and upgrade my equipment. Living mainly a nomadic life without traditional income, the money acquired through these donations will be used to:

  • Buy food,
  • Buy and renew clothes,
  • Buy and renew my equipment,
  • Buy and renew my video equipment,
  • Fund some of my trips around the world,
  • In emergencies, for myself, my dog ​​or a friend.
  • Redistribute the money to associations or struggles.

다른 곳의 계정

Xhatz 님은 다른 플랫폼에서 다음 계정을 소유하고 있습니다:

Xhatz 님은 2개 팀의 회원입니다:



International Pirate Organization



Cette page sera utilisée pour récolter des fonds pour les différentes luttes d'occupation.



Xhatz 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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