
Andy Langton

I'm Andy @ Wylderbuilds. I code for, print, and build Dactyl Manuform ergonomic keyboards.

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I maintain an open-source repository at GitHub for a Python-based model generator for Dactyl Manuform keyboard cases. It's parametric and can be configured to generate a near-infinite number of shapes and sizes with oodles of features and options.

There's a lot more I want to build into it.

  • It needs to be much more flexible and approachable. Even simple and common-sense changes can be extremely awkward and hacked.
  • It needs to be more generally modular and intelligent enough to adapt features to different parameters more gracefully.
  • There should be better support for pointing devices and different-sized trackballs.
  • There should be better options and tools for wiring up switches and PCBs.
  • There should be more support for other controller sizes, mounts, and connection types, and batteries (USB-C, GX-16, etc.)
  • There should be better external tenting options.

All of this takes time, which I don't have enough of. With your help, I can back off the day job and make the time to get this all done.

Regardless, even if you've just taken the time to read all of this, you already have my thanks.


Andy @ Wylderbuilds

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