

Whisper of the Earth: Cultivate connection to nature, support mental health and promote conservation

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I'm Karina, a Clinical and Health Psychologist, passionate nature advocate, and the founder of Whisper of the Earth (www.whisperoftheearth.com). This platform is dedicated to enriching our bond with the natural world through Nature-Based Therapy and Ecopsychology. My mission is to nurture healthier and more sustainable relationships with our planet, thereby improving both personal well-being and the health of our environment.

How Your support will help:

  • Content creation: I develop and share insightful articles, posts, and educational materials that inspire and guide individuals on forming deeper bonds with nature.

  • Community Q&A: I maintain a Q&A section where I personally answer questions and provide recommendations to foster a deeper understanding of our relationship with the environment.

  • Supporting conservation: A portion of your contributions will support various nature conservation and biodiversity projects, aiding efforts to preserve the natural spaces and endangered species.

  • Platform maintenance: Your support ensures that Whisper of the Earth remains a welcoming, educational, and supportive space for all those seeking guidance.

Join me in fostering a more sustainable, caring and mentally enriching relationship with our planet. Your generosity makes a big difference!


WhisperOfTheEarth 님은 4개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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