
Waypoint Community Hell Let Loose Server


WYPT-HLL-Server 님의 목표는 매주 US$17.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Hello, we are running a server for the WWII multiplayer game Hell Let Loose. We're a small group of volunteers from the Waypoint reader/listener community (no official connection, we just like them). Our goal is to provide an inclusive and safe place to play HLL by providing responsive server moderation and promoting a fun, respectful game environment.

We are asking for donations to help pay for the game server and hosting for our admin tools. Together, these cost about USD$68 per month, or ~$17/week. Not too bad if a few of us pitch in!

If we end up with donations beyond what's needed to cover our basic hosting costs, we plan to offer gift copies of the game to members of the Waypoint community (via the Waypoint Discord HLL channel, at least to begin with). To be precise, if we accumulate more than 3 months' worth of funds, any extra will be used for this purpose.

Please chip in if you can - even a handful of consistent supporters at small dollar amounts would make this a sustainable undertaking. If you can't, no worries! We still want you to come play with us.

Our server's name is [WYPT] COMMANDER ROB'S HEROES - CROWBAR & SICKLE DIV. - US EAST. You can find out more about our game schedule (including times we open the server to the public) in the Waypoint Discord HLL channel.


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WYPT-HLL-Server 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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