
VkCV Framework

A Vulkan framework for computer visualistics simplifying building applications

VkCV-Framework 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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The VkCV framework is a top-level abstraction that builds on the Vulkan GPU API over several levels. With the help of the framework, it is thus possible to develop applications without being held back by the typical Vulkan setup and organization overhead, but still achieve high performance.

Screenshot of demo

The source code is available here and published under MIT license. The code is documented via Doxygen and the documentation can be found online here. More information about the framework and its development can be found on its website here.


You can find a detailed series of tutorials online which explains how to use the VkCV framework for your own Vulkan application written in C++. The tutorials series explains everything from the start of drawing your first triangle up to rasterization of a whole scene or simulating particles using a custom compute shader.


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