
Il Giardino Videoludico

Retrogaming on Linux without commentary on a decentralized video sharing platform!

VanackSabbadium 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Hi everybody, my name is Vanack Sabbadium and i'm from Italy. Maybe you know me (or maybe not) for my UbuntuGamingProject Youtube channel, where i showed hundreds of games on Linux, gameplays and installation videos.

My new project, RetroLinuxGaming, was born in 2021 on another video sharing platform, Odysee/LBRY, which is decentralized and peer-to-peer based, far away from the capitalistic and centralized Google-centric Youtube.


On July 2021 i decided to open this new channel and focus on longplays without commentary of old games, for any device that can be emulated, or simply old PC games, played on my Linux distribution and using only free and open source programs for recording and video editing. If you know me, you already know that i'm a huge Linux fan and old time user, since 2006 and the glorious Edgy Eft Ubuntu 6.10 version, and i'm still conscious that "the people of the penguin" needs some gaming on Linux. Many things have changed through the years... Many developers created Linux binaries for their games, not only indie games but also AAA games from famous developers... Steam on Linux became a reality and many more... After 10 years, videogames on Linux are no more a dream or something unreachable, they are now a beautiful reality and a satisfying experience, so why shouldn't i share it with you? I play games on Linux and i want to make you partecipate... All money raised with Patreon will be used for buying other games, and many other things to help my channel grow, so i can give you many more high quality videos. So i thank you for all your support, i believe in you, i hope you believe in me too!

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