

Digital media post production generalist, software developer, and educator.

VFX 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Outside of my day job, I do freelance work as a digital media post production generalist and teach others how to do the same. My fields of expertise include photo/audio/video editing, compositing, motion graphics, VFX, programming, and consulting. All donations on this platform help me continue to invest time in providing free resources for others to use and learn from.

Commissions are open for video and audio work on my Ko-fi page, and assets I've made will be available in my code repository or the shop for an optional fee. Please note that donations provided on this platform are given freely and not for an exchange of services.

Certain commission work and educational content can also be found on my website and PeerTube channel.

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