
Casey, Claudio & Scout

Telling at least two sides of the story. Thanks for joining us!

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Hello! We are called “Casey, Claudio, & Scout.” The pandemic pushed us together into Claudio’s self-built double-decker van house.. Casey’s entire sales industry was cancelled with COVID-19 and we needed to make the trip across the US to close out her housing. As we crossed the continent during a shutdown with just a converted van, a cute dog and no legal place to be- we fell into deep friendship and then love. Thats where our channel began, but our stories...? Our stories are coming out in due time. As we learn more about each other we become more comfortable in our love and want to share with you- our online family! Thanks for being here. :) We’re glad you made it.


Twostorystories 님은 4년 전에 가입했습니다.

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