

Adult Visual Novels and Honey Select 2 art

TiimxStudios 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Download the studio's first AVN "Promises" S1 Ep1 is available now for free! https://tiimx.itch.io/promises-s1-ep1 || Join the studio's discord to socialize with other fans, bug reports, HS2 cards, giveaways, and much more! https://discord.gg/uCMFw5Gvtw

AVN [Promises] Updates and BETA releases: Promises S1Ep1 (v0.04f) is out now for free on PC/Linux, Mac, and Android! Join the Studio for access to sneak peaks, weekly updates, and BETA tests before they're released out to the public for free! Episode 2 is currently in development, so don't miss it! You can download our game here: https://tiimx.itch.io/promises-s1-ep1

HS2 Art and Cards: I personally like to create HS2 Cards and scenes on my free time. As an active user of StudeoNeo2 I'm learning more and more everyday! I want to share this work with you and have a challenging and fun experience while doing so. To meet these goals The studio is planning on starting their own Card and Art release campaign. Members can also submit characters or references they want available as a HS2 card. The references will be voted on amongst the community and the card will be released free on this page and our discord server!

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TiimxStudios 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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