
The Everything Library

The Everything Library is a NYC-based library-style repair & lending program for computers and more.

TheEverythingLibrary 님의 목표는 매주 US$200.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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The Everything Library is a program that accepts donated computers, repairs them, and recirculates them in a library-esque loan system developed by small outfit of community members in so-called NYC. With grander plans for the future, the outfit plans to expand the program to include bikes and other critical infrastructure to further cultivate a sharing economy paradigm among our communities and beyond.

We seek seed funding to assist in the launch of the program to gather parts and repair equipment for repair, cover website registration fees, etc. and collect well-loved computer for donation to add to the library's collection.

Data security and personal privacy is our utmost concern, so all donated devices will be thoroughly purged of data, and, in most cases (where possible) will have their internal storage physically destroyed (hence the need for funding for computer parts).

Website and social media profiles to come!

We look forward to inviting everyone to The Everything Library soon!

For questions and info on how to donate or get involved, email <theeverythinglibrary@riseup.net>



TheEverythingLibrary 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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