
Lioness LovePride

Building a resource clearinghouse for birth workers and birthing people of color

TheBlackDoulaCollective 님의 목표는 매주 US$100.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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The Black Doula Collective began as a group on Facebook. I was an aspiring doula looking for connection, education, and ways to serve in my community. The group expanded and caught the attention white allies who became a sister group and is working to support the the Black Doula Collective's initiatives to educate aspiring doulas, provide safe space for networking, business building and interpersonal relationships, undergird current doulas who are struggling financially due to COVID19, and help provide doula and other birth professional services for birthing people who can not afford them. Our main goal in 2021 is to hold a silent auction on-line to raise funds for the aforementioned initiatives and to create an interactive directory of black doulas and birth professionals free of charge to the user. Donations from LP patrons will go toward auction items, fundraising expenses, i.e. fees, promotion materials, expert outsourcing, etc., supplies, and possible grant writing and 501(c)3 status fees.


TheBlackDoulaCollective 님은 4년 전에 가입했습니다.

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