
Soka Wakata

I create content related to new technologies, the web, Linux and music.

SokaWakata 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 CA$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Warm greetings 🌞.

Welcome to my profile.

About Me

I am Soka Wakata. I am a content creator and popularizer passionate about new technologies, IT in general, web development, IT project management and music.

I share my knowledge, my experience and my technological and musical passions on different platforms including, among others:

My Goals

I dream of a world where it will be possible and easy to find documentation

  • quality,
  • complete, structured, educational and accessible for all (especially for beginners),
  • concerning new technologies and music,
  • thanks, if possible, to copyright-free and free tools.

However, creating content takes a lot of resources. This is the reason why your financial support will resolutely help me to:

  • create high quality content (articles, capsules, comprehensive training) that will help people discover, learn and understand
    • the various technological, IT, web and project management tools;
    • the basics and specifics of music in general and bass in particular;
  • offer learners methodologies to make the most of existing free software;
  • create, host and facilitate educational and collaborative live streaming sessions (livestreams) during which learners and supporters will have privileged access to my creation, planning and production process.

This dream is ambitious, I know that. But it is far from impracticable, I am convinced of it! I will continue to do my best by creating rich, varied and relevant content. If you find this approach worthy of your contribution, then thank you in advance for your support!

It is for and by you that we produce all this 😀

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SokaWakata 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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