
SkyOK Ekab

Help pay pandemic debt.

SkyOK_EkAb 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Please help us pay pandemic debt of $10,000. We also need help to pay our monthly apartment rent also. This is the last hope for us.

Your small donations contributions can make a difference to us. If you cant give, but still want to support our cause, please share our page with your family members, friends, co-workers and online. With more people aware of our cause, we will be able to get one step closer to reaching our goal.

We would like to thankyou in advance for your support! God bless you all.

Sincerely thankfull to you all.


SkyOK_EkAb 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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