
Skully Reef Official

This is a Donation Account for the Official Band Skully Reef for Touring/Travel/Food/Room Expenses.

Skully.Reef 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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It's as simple as we want to take this Skully Reef Experience Tour to a city/town near you! If you aren't familiar with Skully Reef. We are the underground musical band that cranks out high voltage Sounds and Frequencies that make your head bounce, your body wiggle, and your neck break. We love anime, cyberpunk, hip hop, martial arts, and video games; And you better believe we incorporate ALL of that good sh*t in our compositions. Help us get to you with a great show and meet and greet sound behind the band. To support Us, please do so with any donation you feel comfortable giving. We film every Interaction and share our patrons and audiences. We have tangible plans of taking this brand further than Music into primarily Musical Instruments, Gaming Platforms, and Avant Garde Fashion. Later plans include launching sustainable community programs and adding value to that community by practicing self sustainability, self education, and prolific growth. Learn More on "@SkullyReef" Official WebPage. Welcome to the Island, and always remember to leave a gold shekkel or suffer the hauntings from below the surface of Skully Reef. Enter at Your Own Risk HaHa..or Not. We leave THAT choice up to you. Thank You. We Love You!

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Skully.Reef 님은 4년 전에 가입했습니다.

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