

Welcome to the Fediverse

ShoreGuy 님의 목표는 매주 US$50.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Hello fellow Fediverse traveler ...

We are humbling asking for any support you may give in sharing the costs associated with breaking BigTech's strangle hold on us all.

We have started to host various Fediverse platforms for you, and with your kind help we can continue to grow and maintain the various infrastructure necessary.

Here are some links to what we currently host:

Mastodon (Think Twitter): https://m.5273.me

Peertube (Think Youtube): https://u.5273.me

Matrix (Think Zoom & Discord): Invite Only for Supporters

Owncast (Think Twitch): Invite Only for Supporters

More to come!!

The biggest costs for these platforms are storage and bandwidth.
Please consider joining the fight against Big Tech today with a bit of cash...

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