

Plural system of 8(?) - most of us& being developers :)

RorySys 님은 2 명으로부터 매주 €11.53 만큼을 받고 있습니다. 목표: €15.00
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Hi! Welcome to our& profile! We&re FOSS developers, and love Matrix.

Our& most active projects are:

  • Rory&::LibMatrix - C# (.NET 8) SDK for Matrix, written from the ground up, powering all of the below!
  • Rory&::MatrixUtils - Set of powertools for managing Matrix accounts
  • Rory&::ModAS - Matrix homeserver administration and spam detection/prevention framework, harnessing the power of the AppService APIs.
  • Rory&::ModerationBot - Matrix moderation bot, taking ideas from existing policy spefications, and extending them in order to make more things possible.

You can get in touch about any of these projects through Matrix!

Everything here is AGPLv3-licensed, because I care about transparency, and would love contributions from anyone, for any reason!

  • Confused about "we&"? Learn about the basics of plurality here!

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RorySys님은 1명의 공개 기부자가 있습니다.

Josh Simmons


RorySys 님은 8개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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