

Fandom (and some non-fandom) Content Creator; 2D artist, writer, video editor, etc.

Riblu 님의 목표는 매주 US$10.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Greetings; I go by more than one name, but if my page(s) elsewhere are linking to here, then you're in the right place!

I am mainly a fandom content creator, but I do some original work as well. I draw and do image edits; write fanfiction; sometimes I create and edit videos, sometimes I try animation, sometimes I do arts and crafts like crochet. Rarely I stream stuff like drawing, and it might be less rare in the future. Video game streaming could happen someday too, who knows.

Donations are very, very much appreciated. I am grateful for any amount. I understand that you all work hard to earn your money, and it is an honour to be among the ones you'd spend that hard-earned money on, even as much as 5 cents.

(Note: Liberapay doesn't seem to allow uploading your own avatar; as far as I see, it has to be the avatar of a linked account... I will see about that later. Don't be intimidated by the ? default avatar in the meantime.)


Why am I asking for donations?

I believe in a world and system that allows people to survive comfortably and be happy just doing what they do best/what they enjoy doing. I really wished that we didn't have to choose between self-fulfillment and survival. I wished I could live comfortably doing what I love; drawing and writing and creating what I like, what others like. This page is a step towards that wish.


Riblu 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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