
Radiona.org – Zagreb Makerspace

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Radiona – Zagreb Makerspace

Association for Development of ‘do-it-yourself’ Culture founded in 2011 in order to enhance the visibility of makers’ open source culture and self sustainable production, as well as with an aim of connecting all possible fields of art, science and technology, more precisely STEAM fields (Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Mathematics). The objective here is to create new realities of networked and collaborative intermedia and new media practices in line with DIY (do-it-yourself) and DIWO (do-it-with-others) cultures. The makerspace is developing interdisciplinary and innovative projects with an emphasis on community building, participation, cohesion, knowledge transfer and co-creation. The lab is also active in the areas of creative and cultural industries in international and local context. Radiona.org focuses its activities on education, research processes, artistic projects, curatorial practices, residencies, international and domestic inter-sector collaborations, renewable self-sustainable systems, repair community activities, citizen science and social awareness related issues.


RadionaOrg 님은 4년 전에 가입했습니다.

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