

Artist and web developer - your support allows me to keep creating!

PunkWasp 님의 목표는 매주 CA$25.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Artist, web developer, and furry PNGTuber on Twitch. I work on a lot of projects, including:

Your support allows me to keep creating!

Any donations received here go towards the following, in this order of priority:

  • Paying off debt I had to take on through a private line of credit to afford my last semester of university in full ASAP (progress: $386 CAD out of $1345 CAD so far)
  • Monthly bills (prescriptions, phone bill, student loan payments, etc.)
  • Paying for dental treatment, particularly wisdom teeth removal as mine are impacted and keep getting infected
  • Paying rent - luckily, I live with family who are kind enough to not charge me rent when I don't have a steady source of income, but they are financially struggling too and I'd like to be able to pitch in
  • Saving up to go visit my long-distance partner of over 4 years

Even a little amount helps a lot, and it adds up over time!

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PunkWasp 님은 9개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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