

Hexa and Greentea OS

0 명이 PeyTy 님께 기부하고 있습니다.



I am the principal creator of Hexa, an open-source programming language, highly influenced by haXe, but designed for more safety, low-level performance and fun. It feels like a language you would fall in love!

My goal is to ensure a sustained development of Hexa and make great free apps with it.

Hexa is oriented for making commercial, not-a-toy apps, too. Your support would be greatly helpful to cover costs of hosting, testing, design, bounties and all that. I am also tipping as much as I can to my team mates and contributors, who are directly involved into development.

I'm also the Greentea OS creator! GreenteaOS

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PeyTy 님은 6년 전에 가입했습니다.

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