

Help Support Current and Future Endeavors

0 명이 PercyJax 님께 기부하고 있습니다.


Thanks for your support!

While it is my absolute pleasure to work on and learn from the various projects that I am making available for free, server hosting, equipment, and electricity do cost some real money.

Any amount that you are willing to give will go towards the growing hosting bills and to buy new and replacement equipment like servers and hard drives for the cluster. (and perhaps the occasional coffee to fuel the late night tinkering sessions)

If you feel like you've gotten value from my services, please feel free to donate, but please do not feel any pressure to do so! This is all just a cherry on top and a extra way for you to support the projects.

Thanks for considering to donate,



PercyJax 님은 3개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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