

Helping students and teachers finding one paper at a time.

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Past Paper Finder

Our goal

Our goal with past paper finder is to support students and teachers with the daily task of finding mark schemes for tests, homework and what ever other reason one has. Our long term goal however is to increase our support by adding new tools, such as generating custom papers along with their mark schemes depending on a teacher's/student's needs. However we are not able to do this as of now new to the lack of resources.

Why we need your support

We have not added ads, because we believe that such service being helping the educational sector should come for free. However, hosting and maintaining such project does cost us both resources, time and money. That's why we need your help in order to further develop this site.

Our plans

The features we want to add are the following:

  • The ability to see similar questions to the one you searched for further practice
  • The ability to generate past papers using a db with questions from past papers and from the community, alongside with their respective mark schemes
  • The ability to choose specific topics and have questions given to you based on these for extra practice


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