

Creativity and out-of-the-box thinking are important to me, and I try to use them in everything I do

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Welcome, I'm Christopher Anderson, also known as Nennex. Creativity and out-of-the-box thinking are important to me, and I try to apply them to everything I do, from video production to digital art and graphic design. That is also what you'll find on my page, videos and other digital creations that display creativity, uniqueness, and passion.

One type of video I enjoy creating is mashups. I take bits and pieces of different movies, trailers, games, etc., and arrange them to make something new. I also enjoy creating digital artwork, especially landscapes.

My dream is to be able to make a living creating fun and imagination-filled content, whether it be a video or piece of art. Donations would be a big part in helping me reach my goal, as they would allow me to both spend more time doing what I love: making content that people enjoy, and get better supplies to do so with.


Nennex 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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