

Mission France guichet: discovering France and responsible consumption

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Mission France guichet is an eco-designed website that brings together several projects, including a collection of administrative and tourist information about France, two tourism and heritage labels and an impact marketplace.

In particular, it aims to enable citizens to connect with their local area, reduce inequalities when dealing with administrative procedures, promote and encourage the preservation of France's natural, architectural and cultural heritage, and support local and responsible consumption.

Its flagship projects include, in addition to its large free documentary database, the Commune à découvrir and Monuments à préserver labels, as well as the Mission Conso'ResponsAlt portal and its responsible commercial charter.

Mission France guichet also wants to make as many people as possible aware of the urgent need to reduce digital pollution, in particular by making web eco-design a matter of course.

Thank you to all our contributors for their invaluable support.



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