

Indie Game Developer wanting to make more free content

Migcreatesgames 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Hello everyone my name is Miguel or Mig,

My goal is to continue making free webgl, download games on Itch.io, Mobile, and Switch. I have 5 years experience making game in Unity3d and 10 years in coding in C#. I really enjoy making retro games from top down shooters, puzzle games, micro games, and 3d games and done over 25 games that I have released to the public.

I would prefer to stay away from charging my players to enjoy a game, but would rather receive donations that confirm my work.

My itch.io page to play my game all for free https://migcreatesgames.itch.io/

You can also check out my YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCprXN2RXfwM0bG1BL6DUhOA

Twitch I stream continuously 3 times a week https://www.twitch.tv/migcreatesgames

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