
Magpie Market

Creating a federated, open source e-commerce marketplace for artists and other sellers.

MagpieMarket 님의 목표는 매주 US$500.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Marketplaces have always been a means for sellers to connect with buyers. People could shop for the goods they needed all in one place, and discover new merchants. Modern online marketplaces, however, have removed the human aspect and largely replaced people and small businesses with other less personable legal entities, and buyer-to-seller conversations with a siloed shopping experience filled with possibly fake reviews and replies from customer support or sales not directly tied to the creation of the good being discussed. These platforms have become saturated with mass-produced goods and large-scale vendors, sometimes requiring smaller sellers to pay just to boost their rankings in search results or bring their own customers to the platform--which defeats the purpose of being part of a marketplace. Magpie Market's goal is to reclaim the marketplace for people by creating an open source eCommerce platform for various communities of artists, makers, and collectors to list and sell their products on the fediverse.


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