

Community-powered internet

MKE-Mesh-Cooperative 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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We live in a digital age. The internet has forever changed the way we work, socialize, organize and live. Access to the internet has become a basic necessity, which has led to the formation of monopolies and cartels among the corporate Internet Service Providers (ISPs.)

The Milwaukee Mesh Network seeks to make the internet more accessible, more affordable and subsequently faster, by democratizing the process of distribution. We are a distributive, consumer and worker-owned internet service cooperative.

We intend to create a neutral internet that is accessible to all. Long term, the Milwaukee Mesh Cooperative will be a vital part of a larger solidarity economy that empowers working people.


MKE-Mesh-Cooperative 님은 4년 전에 가입했습니다.

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