
Mistress Alleria

I am creating FemDom/SnarkDom/GamerDom audio and story content for fun and income. :)

MIstressAlleria 님의 목표는 매주 US$250.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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My name is Mistress Alleria and I love exploring FemDom, especially applied in snarky or geeky ways, and all sorts of kinks. I do this is through writing and audio clips, as well as remaining pretty anonymous, as in "real life," I am actually a secret agent with a very particular set of skills and modest superpowers. (I'd hate for my archnemesis to find our connection and use you to get to me, after all.)

However, whether it's deliciously cruel, hilariously (hopefully) snarky, or surprisingly sweet, what you see here is truly what you get with me. This is the raw, unfiltered Alleria that even people in "real" life don't get. My content, especially as it develops, will show an interest in an array of kinks. Yes, I'm doing this as a career, but if I didn't want to LOVE my job, I'd just go work in an office. If I'm writing it or saying it, I enjoy it. Period. So, when you support me and engage my content, you can feel that extra spark from the fact that Mistress is enjoying herself, too.

And we all know that what you want even above your own needs is that Mistress gets hers, right? ;)

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