
Gabriel Mailhot

is creating game mods and tools for modding games. Is offering free artistic photoshoots in Quebec

LogRaam 님의 목표는 매주 CA$100.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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I am a software developer from Canada, currently living in Quebec. I started my programming adventure in the 80s, from VIC-20 to Amiga, including C-64. Switched to PC when Commodore went down. I specialize in clean code/architectures, automated tests and coaching other developers in languages like C#, PowerShell, etc. Specifically with infra teams.

My vocation today is to pass on my experience to the next generation of IT professionals. Actually I am a DevOps coach in a company.

I am also involved in the creation of mods for video games such as Skyrim, Fallout and Mount & Blade Bannerlord, etc. This page mainly exists as a way to give back for those who love my work and want to support my effort.

With your support, I will be able to invest more time to create quality mods and modding tools.

Nexus page: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/308756

I am also involved in free creative photoshoots in Quebec; You can read more about this on my portfolio at: https://gabrielmailhot.myportfolio.com/projets

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