

Lībreo: Transmedia project for the liberation and balanced redistribution of power.

Libreo 님의 목표는 매주 €180.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Lībreo: Transmedia project for the liberation and balanced redistribution of power. Mainly the mass media (TV, …), economic and political powers.

What does transmedia mean?

Transmedia storytelling is a type of story where the story unfolds through multiple media and communication platforms, and in which a part of the consumers assumes an active role in that expansion process.

How will we reach our goal?

We aspire to join forces to promote software development (Lībreo ⊜ Free your TV) that launches the social media organization capable of redistributing the current media focus. For this, we build a series of proposals to collectively publicize and enrich the strategy we propose.

Who is part of the project?

Jusore is the main promoter with visibility on social networks. Due to the sensitivity of possible future reprisals against project members, the rest of the participating individuals and organizations remain anonymous.

What means does the project make available?

  • Short story preview of a ranobe novel:

The women’s green revolution — Towards the UBI and beyond.

  • Ranobe novel that describes a computer program with which its protagonists achieve their dreams of freedom:

Lībreo ⊜ One book to frees you. (Awaiting publication in 2021)


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