

Hi, there people I'm a doujinshi/eroge fan translator, random writer, and Hikikomori.

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My native language is Spanish but I translate stuff into English because I feel more comfortable using that language for ero stuff and I think that sounds better that way. I might not sound a bit unnatural every now and then or make mistakes but I always try to keep improving to make translations that don't put to shame the work of the artist. Regarding my Japanese, I studied by myself for a while and then took classes but had to drop out due to time and money issues, currently, I'm not that good at reading kanjis so I use dictionaries like Jisho, Google translate to see the reading of the kanjis, and some times DeeL. I might not have a full grasp of the language yet, but, between my knowledge and the technology, I have a pretty well idea of what I'm doing and I try my best to make the best translations that I can. I hope you enjoy my work and thank you for your support!


LewdRiderEro 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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