
Julien Wadel

Provide free, no-ads, privacy protected and open-sourced app

Ledjlale 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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In health monitoring, most applications have non-free features, are not complete for a general use, have intrusive advertisements or use personal data. I wasted too much time to find an application for myself that doesn't match these "features".

My current goal is to provide one that will don't have any and that I can use everyday. It will have activities (training/sports), foods (Open Food Facts), calories/nutriments monitoring and all data will be stored locally on the device without the need of having an account. With it, I (we) could experiment to discover our body. In addition to that, it will be cross platform (Windows/Mac/Linux/IOS/Android) and implemented in C++/Qt.

Because of lacking resources, the first focus will be for Android.

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