

I am asking for donations to become an author, pay my debt, rent and get back home to my country.

Kiko 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Hi, my name is Kiko and I am fundraising money to get back on my feet, get back home, and make my dream come true. Since I am an amateur writer, I am writing a lot of books, specifically fantasy, and sci-fi, I would love to finish and publish them, and becoming an author has been my dream since I was a kid, but now I cannot do any of that. Besides that, I moved to Japan after I graduated from College at the beginning of this year, but right now I am in an extremely difficult situation. I currently have no job and almost no money, so I cannot get back home to my country or maybe not even pay the rent. I borrowed some money before, so I also need to pay it back. I am trying to find a job every day, but yet I haven´t been accepted to any job or part-time job around my area and it would be difficult to work in another city, since I don´t have a car and by train it takes hours. Moving to a different city would be difficult as well because I don´t even have money to pay the rent at my place next month. I am at the lowest point in my life right now. Honestly, any amount of money would help a lot and I would be grateful from the bottom of my heart. It is embarrassing for me to try this, but right now there are not many options available for me. And even if you don´t want to donate or don´t have money for it, it´s completely fine, thank you for reading this far! I would use to money to pay the debt, pay the rent, be secure, and be able to get back to my country and after that finally, focus on my dream of being an author. As soon as I get back on my feet and be secured, I will cancel donations. Hopefully, you will hear about me in the future as an author and my dream will become a reality. Thank you!!


Kiko 님은 1년 전에 가입했습니다.

주당 수익 (미국 달러)

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