
Kentish Town Vegbox

Kentish Town Vegbox is a customer-owned veg box scheme operating in North London

Kentish_Town_Vegbox 님은 6 명으로부터 매주 £10.79 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Vegbox sources organic produce, as locally as possible, and work within the limits of what is seasonally available in the UK. Our farms harvest only what we need each week, so we’re minimising food waste. Since fruit and veg don’t have a long shelf life, box schemes are one of the most efficient ways to get fresh produce into cities without generating waste. When there is produce left over, we donate it to local partners like food banks and community centres. We are a regular distribution partner and fair price buyer for small-scale organic farmers. We also provide decent employment in Kentish Town, with all staff being paid an equal wage that’s in excess of the London Living Wage. We are part of a network of mindful consumers and farmers building an alternative, sustainable economy.

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