

I write poetry, prose, fantasy, horror, and commentary

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IridisSparks, She/her, is a disabled allocishet Black Latina writer whose mainstays are poetry, prose, fantasy, and horror.

A lover of music, scotch, and cats; allergic to fatphobes and christianity; she's also had a pretty fucked up life. She tends therefore to explore topics and themes through lenses of trauma, neurodivergence, and isolation: amounting to a somewhat simple, yet feral perspective that sometimes takes readers by surprise.

Often layered with varying dashes of the supernatural, sci fi, the surreal, (and the occasional pinch of humor), followers who love her work have described her offerings as "profound", "chilling", "beautiful", "eerie", and "visual".


IridisSparks 님은 1년 전에 가입했습니다.

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