

Ikson 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Hi there! Ikson writing, thanks for visiting my Liberapay site!

Some people email me and ask where they can donate to me, so I've setup a profile here where 100% of the donation will be going through - No % cuts.

For anyone considering donating, I want to say Thank You; I also want to state however that due to me releasing so much music, I'm earning more than enough to sustain myself financially, and even on top of that reinvest a lot of it back into Ikson® and all my future creative plans, to help reach even more people with my music - Something I do a lot. With this said any proceeds that go through here, will be reinvested into Ikson through Cables, Music Equipment, New Music Software, Tea to help me through my creative days and other things that all are tied into my life as a creative.

I have big aspirations for my career and I do hope I can reach and hopefully touch more lives in a positive way.

Thanks for your support 🎶🌴🌅


Ikson 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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